BLUE NARROW SOURCES: "Pollnivneach Pythons owner , Rweavz, will be jetting off to Cyprus tomorrow in order to seal the proposed multi-million pound sponsorship deal with beverage company KEO, to work in conjunction with the multi-billion pound fast-food tycoon Taco Bell, in order to fund the massive recruitment drive and academy redevelopment program in time for next season. It is reported that two of Pythons' starlets, KFC and Samsaurus99 will be leaving the club once their contracts expire at the end of this current season, giving the club an uneasy future. Rweavz, nicknamed the 'Daniel Levy of NRC', is widely renowned for his incredible international management skills, proven by his multiple, multi-billion pound sponsorship deals. It is also rumored that Pythons may also soon receive the backing of Qatari-based oil company 'Qatar Petroleum' known as 'QP' for short. The talks with KEO on the island of Cyprus will be held Friday. Updates will follow shortly.
04-Aug-2015 22:32:16