
±‡± N.W.F. WRESTLING 2014 ±‡±

Quick find code: 42-43-105-65425441



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±‡± Power Rankings ±‡±
±‡± N.W.F. CONFLICT, 16th August, 2014 ±‡±

#1: The Silencer (Gweav)
Trending: UP
Last Week: New Entry!
Trend Prediction: --
~ The Silencer returned to capture his first N.W.F. Heavyweight Championship - becoming only the sixth Triple Crown Champion in N.W.F. history! Gweav is back... and he looks better than ever. What will transpire when he faces The Master (F*chsy) at the Royal Rumble with his new title on the line?

#2: The Animal (Brama Bull2)
Trending: UP
Last Week: #3
Trend Prediction: --
~ The Animal remains undefeated having knocked off former N.W.F. Middleweight Champion, The Master (F*chsy), early on in the show. He also successfully won a Tag Match alongside fellow Tag-Team Champion, Kazokio Dave. This guy will no doubt be a late entry to the Rumble given his performances, but can he win it and the World Title?

#3: Conz (Conza41)
Trending: UP
Last Week: #4
Trend Prediction: --
~ Won his second N.W.F. Middleweight Championship and also defeated the returning Ravenie and Redgiant 23 in a Handicap Match. Conz has looked exceedingly strong so far, and is a dark horse for the World Title.

#4: The Master (F*chsy)
Trending: DOWN
Last Week: #1
Trend Prediction: UP
~ Defeated by Brama Bull2, The Master lost his undefeated singles streak, however he did win the #1 Contendership to the Intercity Tag-Team Titles alongside The Doctor ((De) Doctor). F*chsy fights Gweav for the Heavyweight Title at the Royal Rumble and The MFW for the Tag-Team Titles. He remains the underdog in both matches; but then again, N.W.F. has always bet on the underdog.

#5: The Doctor ((De) Doctor)
Trending: UP
Last Week: #8
Trend Prediction: --
~ Defeated The Raver (Chimeras) one-on-one and also claimed the #1 Contendership to the Intercity Tag-Team Titles. Up there as the best performer of the week, he jumps three places to #5 on the rankings.

16-Aug-2014 23:34:12 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2014 03:50:22 by Dedle5



Posts: 12,964 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
#6: The Hall of Fame Killer (Deafdavid5)
Trending: UP
Last Week: #9
Trend Prediction: --
~ Was due to face Tigereye6904 today, however his opponent did not show up due to other commitments. Nevertheless, The Hall of Fame Killer did face N.W.F. Hall of Famer, Spellman26, and defeated him to kill his legend! Kazokio Dave awaits at the Royal Rumble!

#7: Dave (Kazokio Dave)
Trending: DOWN
Last Week: #2
Trend Prediction: UP
~ Squandered the opportunity to claim a record sixth Heavyweight Title as he was defeated by returning Hall of Famer, Gweav, but did win a Tag Match to stop himself falling any further. Nevertheless, Dave at #7 is something to take note of ladies and gentlemen... he won't be here for long.

#8: Anton (Rweavz)
Trending: --
Last Week: New Entry!
Trend Prediction: --
~ Claimed the #1 Contendership to the N.W.F. Middleweight Championship in the return of the Divide and Conquer Match! Can Anton become Rio and win the Middleweight Title at the Royal Rumble? He'll need to train up... and Conz is a tough opponent.

#9: Stone (Picarello)
Trending: --
Last Week: New Entry!
Trend Prediction: --
~ Won a Middleweight Steel Cage Match but lost the resulting Middleweight Title fight to Conz. Stone is back in an N.W.F. ring and looks impressive, but work is necessary if he's to become a champion again.

#10: The Penetrator (Wobble)
Trending: --
Last Week: #10
Trend Prediction: --
~ Came close to a Middleweight Title shot in the Steel Cage Brawl but fell short. Also lost two Tag-Team Matches alongside The Raver (Chimeras) today. Not the best of weeks for The Penetrator, but he retains his position nonetheless.

#11: Trendy D. (Dezmondo)
Trending: DOWN
Last Week: #6
Trend Prediction: DOWN
~ Needs to train up if he's to start winning matches. Fought well in places but ultimately failed to win a fight today - not good for his ranking position.

16-Aug-2014 23:35:03 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2014 03:53:28 by Dedle5



Posts: 12,964 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
#12: Samsarus (Samsaurus99)
Trending: DOWN
Last Week: #7
Trend Prediction: --
~ Did not attend N.W.F. CONFLICT today and therefore falls in the rankings. Will not be able to attend next week, either.

#13: Ultimo Dragon (Ravenie)
Trending: --
Last Week: New Entry!
Trend Prediction: --
~ Took part in the Middleweight Cage Match and Middleweight D&C Match, fighting well in both. Lost a Handicap Match alongside Redgiant 23 to Conz, but otherwise made a good return for such a low level. Impressive.

#13: The Raver (Chimeras)
Trending: DOWN
Last Week: #11
Trend Prediction: UP
~ Didn't capitalise on a promising performance last week. Lost two Tag-Team Matches and was also defeated by fellow heavyweight, The Doctor ((De) Doctor). The Raver has a lot of potential but needs to unlock it sooner rather than later.

#14: Smell (Spellman26)
Trending: DOWN
Last Week: #12
Trend Prediction: UP
~ Had his 'legend killed' by Hall of Fame Killer, Deafdavid5, but was once again unprepared. Excuses are running out though. Does the REAL Spellman return next week?

#15: Redgiant 23 (Redgiant 23)
Trending: DOWN
Last Week: #14
Trend Prediction: --
~ We said it last week, training is necessary if Redgiant is to retake his place as a top middleweight. Competed in three matches today and failed to claim a win, despite taking Stone (Picarello) to the wire.

#16: Tiger Jericho (Tigereye6904)
Trending: DOWN
Last Week: #15
Trend Prediction: UP
~ Did not attend N.W.F. CONFLICT this week. Tiger Jericho will always be a contender for the World Title though. Be ready for big things at the Rumble.

#17: Mister Mono (Dead DevilO5)
Trending: DOWN
Last Week: #13
Trend Prediction: --
~ Did not attend N.W.F. CONFLCT this week. Doesn't look likely to feature in the future.

16-Aug-2014 23:35:43 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2014 03:54:36 by Dedle5

Highway Boys

Highway Boys

Posts: 12,545 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am so glad you have an opportunity to face me Deaf. Maybe you can finally obtain some of the RSW relevancy you so desire. Of course that can only occur if you are able to actually defeat me. When I win, it'll be another victory over someone far less superior than me basically granting me nothing in return. If somehow you get lucky, I am still the GREATEST wrestler in the history of NWF. As you can easily see, the match means little to nothing to me.

However for you, this match could bring you into the limelight of RSW. Honestly, I doubt this relevancy will last for too long because not even my legacy can completely fix your mediocre career. If you lose, you're are back to the status of... whatever you like to call yourself (a glorified jobber probably being the most appropriate name). Good luck bud, I am cheering for you.

17-Aug-2014 02:30:36



Posts: 12,964 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Copied from the N.W.F. Royal Rumble III PPV Thread:


For those of you who don't know how the Royal Rumble Match works, this guide will explain to you the ins and outs of one of the most infamous matches in N.W.F. history. Read through this post thoroughly to maximise your chances of winning - and becoming the N.W.F. World Champion.

• The Royal Rumble Match is a hardcore rules match

• This means Food, Pots, Vis. Prayer, Summoning, Magic and Ranged are all allowed

• How the match works is as follows:

• Each member of the N.W.F. roster will be assigned an entry number

• These numbers have been decided by N.W.F. Power Ranking positions

• The better average ranking you have, the later you will enter the match

• The Royal Rumble Match begins with two participants climbing down to the dungeon

• PvP challenge mode will be turned on - and the match will start

• Every 30 seconds, a new entrant will be announced and will climb down the ladder

• This process continues until every participant has entered the match

• Participants will fight in the dungeon until one is left standing

• If you are eliminated, you will find yourself outside a locked POH portal

• The last man standing is the match winner - and the new N.W.F. World Champion

17-Aug-2014 04:53:15 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2014 04:56:31 by Dedle5



Posts: 7,763 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 1
In the little town of Kn**biton there was but one race: The humble f*ggit. These creatures lived in groups within their rather standard homes consisting of tunnel networks, carefully decorated in order to provide the utmost welcome to any visitors who should pass. However, there were no visitors to Kn**biton, for it had long been under the reign of Mod Mark, a tyrannical dictator who had forced his way upon the town, giving its inhabitants an entirely new combat system and making them participate in ridiculous games of chance in order to accumulate wealth. These changes had driven a fair few of the townspeople away, but those who remained still continued with smiles on their faces, taking life as it came and not giving a second thought to the world, their existence or any kind of philosophical sh*t like that. It had been a long time since Mod Mark had even been sighted in the town, or anywhere, for that matter. Rumours had suggested that he had simply melted into a pool of fat, causing the citizens to breathe a breath of fresh air, their lives now untainted by his self-motivated bullshittery. On the night this news broke out a great sense of relief washed over all of the f*ggits.

All except Bromo Faggins. It had been a long time since this young f*ggit’s mind had been at rest. Every day brought newer curiosity for him as he longed to discover the secrets of the world. He wanted to try new things, to experiment, to see what things were like on the other side, a side unexplored by his race. He even had a long-held dream that he would one day host his own wrestling company, but at the moment he was dormant in his home, F*g End. Adventure was the motive of Bromo, and when he woke up one morning he looked upon his face in the mirror with a slightly camp, yet cocky, smirk. He began his daily routine of eyebrow waxing and applied his fake tan, popping on his navy uniform and white, inexplicably g*y gloves.
Wobble. Ashdale Knights
Citadel Football League
Kingdom of Ashdale

18-Aug-2014 01:05:09

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