Billing Support usually take up to 48 hours to reply though, lately, reply times have slowed down quite a bit due to issues around recent events.
If you paid through Apple then they are the ones to approach to process a refund.
As I said yesterday, I can see that your account is a member. Billing Support would certainly help you with advice as to how to get the membership working in accessing the game.
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app?
Yeah I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling but still doesn’t work. I guess I’ll just have to wait for billing support to get back to me.
Seems silly that there isn’t a way to just deactivate membership, I don’t get why it says I have membership everywhere but the game itself, I’ve never had this problem before, now on day 3 since I brought membership and still can’t use it lol
Okay so just got an update from Apple, they have refunded the money for the membership but I still can’t buy membership, it still says it’s unavailable but how can it be if Apple have refunded it?? They said when I spoke to them that I wouldn’t be able to access what they refunded but my account is still pretty much locked out of membership
I am sorry it is taking so long. You do need to be patient waiting for a reply from Billing Support.
How did you message Billing Support?
It can't be done by email, you have to use the webforms on the website here.
They reply by email (and also by message in to the 'Messages' tab on the account) but you can't email them.
How did you pay? Directly through the website here or through a mobile app?
If you paid directly through the website, check the confirmation email from Jagex as it will tell you exactly what you bought and what account it was applied to.
If you paid through a mobile app, it can take up to 24 hours to be applied to the account. Payments through Google Play might need to be "collected" through the in-game store.
Hello I am having this issue with STEAM. I bought a one month membership and IT WONT SHOW IN MY GAME Steam and Jagex stole my money and I dont know how to get help for this. Thinking of putting the game down all together.