Item name: Red Party Hat
Lending or Borrowing: Borrowing
Renting price: Paying upto 400K for 24 Hours
Allocated time: 24 Hours
Additional information:
Paying upto 400k for 24 Hours. PM me if interested
Item name:santa hat or any party hat
Lending or Borrowing:borrowing
Renting price:0-100k
Allocated time:+1gmt
Additional information:plz contact me via PM.
Additional information: My World or Your World, at the fountain in the GE. PM me in
game. Please give me a minute to respond, I stay busy while on the game - If I'm in the lobby give me a few minutes, i might take some time to answer.
Tupapi - please shorten your post to around 10 to 12 lines. Large posts disrupt the thread for all other players. Please start with the template provided on page 1 and add a few more extra lines as necessary.