Item name: Red, blue, green, yellow, or purple partyhat
Lending or Borrowing:Lending
Allocated time: 12/24 hrs
Additional information: add me in game to discuss prices
Lending or borrowing:Lending
Renting price: 120k for 12 hrs/ 200k for 24hrs
Allocated time: 12/24 hours
Additional information: G.E., any world, any time! PM always on public.
04-Jul-2013 16:01:09
- Last edited on
04-Jul-2013 16:26:28
Se rena
Lending or borrowing: Borrowing
Renting price: We can talk about that one
Allocated time: 12/24 hours
Additional information: G.E., any world, any time! PM always on public.
Name = 5D0
> 0 = Zero
04-Jul-2013 18:31:13
- Last edited on
04-Jul-2013 18:41:55
Item name: Armadyl Chestplate or Armadyl Chainskirt
Lending or borrowing: borrowing
Renting price: PM me for details
Allocated time: 3-5 hours
Additionally information: I can meet you anywhere you'd like, world, etc.
"If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with a little rain." ~ Dolly Parton