First of all, you should never had started working on the Corporeal Beast BEFORE it was even polled. This was a HUGE mistake because it greatly influences peoples' decision on whether or not to vote for it. Some people that don't want Corp in the game might decide to vote yes, simply because of the hard work and effort that had been already put into it. In other words, more players are compelled to vote yes because you have now made it "rude" to say no. Saying no means that all the effort with designing, debugging, etc. has now gone to waste, and people don't like that. My personal theory is that the Jagex team themselves want Corp added, so they began production before polling it, knowing that it would increase the chances of it being approved, which is messed up.
Suggestion for iron man mode: Don't restrict it to only two play styles based on how the voting goes. Create a third option of iron man, one that is restricted to only aspects of the game that were there on release. This means no nightmare zone, no god wars, no elite clue scrolls (with a 0% chance of receiving a hard/medium/easy clue scroll that contains one of the "new" clues.), etc.
Lastly, other updates. Personally, I don't think that quality-of-life updates need to even be polled, but I do think they should ALL come with a toggle option AUTOMATICALLY. For example, I cannot stand the icon on my friends list that shows a name change. I want the option to disable that icon. Also, I want the option to turn ALL of my chat settings to the same color. It drives me insane that when my filter game messages option is enabled, it is yellow. Along with when my private chat is on friends only, its yellow. Give me the option to either have both green, yellow, and red, all green, all yellow, all red, or any combination of the sort.
Please read through this post at the very least. As a student of the game, and someone with an above average intelligence level, I know what I am talking about.
16-Sep-2014 21:17:56