After the revision, here are the things that I still have problems with.
#1. The 100% damage rule. I know everyone in here has had some cheeky little.. person walk around and half kill every monster in the room so that you couldn't get any drops. There's no doubt that anti-ironmen accounts will pop up just to smack half the important monsters in the game just once and then walk away. Mainly fire giants and cyclopes.
#2. Still not sure how this shop thing works. If someone walks into the rune store, sells 1x all elemental, then body mind chaos and death, is that shop going to be locked up for ironmen? I'm hoping that's not the case.
#3. Nothing was mentioned about one way trading or lending. This I can get over of course, it's just nice to be able to give that random guy 30 gp to get to karamja or a lumby tab because his home teleport is on 28 minute cooldown. Again, I understand if this one is (legitimately) too much to code. It doesn't sound easy to make a one way lending system.
#4. Nightmare zone is completely single-player. Furthermore it is beyond necessary as 99 runecraft, as I've mentioned, is a 5 fully dedicated year skill. It's just not possible to get 99 RC without another access to pure essence. Now to mention all other minigames, there should not be any in-game content that is limited at all. This mode is to test the knowledge, mechanics and planning of each individual person to achieve the best they can. If you take something out that one person is pro at, and another has never done before, well that could just tip the sides and now that pro no longer has a fall-back. You also take out content that is once again part of the game. There are very few things that need balancing.
#5. Ultimate mode is just barbaric. It's the epitome of pain both to play and to watch. No teleports? Die and automatically lose EVERYTHING? No bank as it is, already loses a fair bit of entertainment value, due to the shear amount of time put in to a single menial task.
16-Sep-2014 11:17:13