I voted yes to all the BH rewards. They were well thought and would give people a reason to go to the wilderness while not introducing mass influx of GP as the EP system did.
I wouldn't mind a poll pt2 offering the following changes:
In game polling questions need to be presented with more detail so people aren't so quick to vote no (only details on ring of influence/ddefender/stear in game are the pictures?)
Items can be somewhat tied to lore... Ideas:
-Saradomin tear becomes Saradomin tear flask/vial (Take flask to Saradomin godwars 1/150 chance of being filled with saradomin tear when Zilyana dies) tear&flask destroyed when used on Saradomin Sword to create Blessed Saradomin Sword
-Dragon spike becomes cyclops helmet(existed previously). Incites rage when worn in defender room at warrior guild, chance of dragon defender dropping boss to attack. Dragon defender +6 str keeping DFS max str at +7, rune def is +5.
-Ring of Influence becomes a sort of point sink/gamble reward. Give ruby ring and x points to zamorak mage(abyss teley mage) for a chance of receiving a Ring of Influence.
09-Sep-2014 13:40:44