Also, what about adding some new free to play items or magic spells? Magic is very underpowered in f2p at higher levels. I would like to see wave spells, snare, and teleblock implemented into free to play
From a business point of view. I would love to see Jagex do the following:
1.) Rename the game "Runescape 2."
2.) Develop the game with the new continent and more challenging + rewarding PvM.
3.) Fully unlock and offer Free to Play - here to stay!
4.) Look at all the content and add a generous amount of the P2P content to F2P
5.) ADVERTISE Runescape! This is absolutely crucial. They must begin investing more into advertisement. Social Media and Player Base advertisement is not cutting it. I do not mind if they advertise just the main game (Runescape 3.) Both would benefit in the long run, open up new jobs and potentially grow the game back into the 100,000 numbers. Depending on how/where they advertise and what is invested.
I am seeing too much content being added that "moves the players from Activity A to Activity B." This is a problem. You're killing one activity to make another active for a short amount of time. The hype dies, so does the activity. This is NOT helping the game and is NOT increasing our numbers. The only player base rise I have seen is in the following:
1.) Advertisement bots
2.) BOTS
3.) Gold site bots
4.) Lurers and Scammers
I am sick of seeing Jagex reps saying "the game is growing." No, it is not and it is time to re-evaluate your priorities.