I don't see much of a point in changing the bone drops on dark beasts. They need an all around drop buff; with requirements of 90 slayer and mep2 they should have more valuable drops imo.
Mod Ash, I hope you're still reading this. I've noticed a small issue with the Menageries. I built mine underground and built the desecrated pet house. However, it's too tall. It's taller than the ceiling so it just looks weird. And on the ground level, you can see about 1/3-1/4 of the pet house sticking through. Would it be a hard job to make a new model of the desecrated(and maybe the nature one, I think that's tall too) house so that it fits? Thanks.
Genrl Kluhtz
To get replacement/spare ectophial and enchanted secateurs, I need to go to the Barbarian Assault rewards shop.
Um... nearly.
You buy the BA rewards from the BA rewards shop, right?
So if you want to buy more copies of the BA rewards, you go to the BA rewards shop and buy more.
You get the ectophial from Velorina at the end of the
Ghosts Ahoy
quest. Previously, she'd give you another one only if you lost yours. Now she'll give you another one if you ask, regardless of whether you've already got one.
Malignius Mortifer sells replacement secateurs once you've finished
Fairy Tale Pt I
. Previously, he'd sell you another one only if you lost yours. Now he'll sell you another one if you ask, regardless of whether you've already got one.
Andrew Vin
Mod Ash, I hope you're still reading this. I've noticed a small issue with the Menageries...
I saw you'd made two threads about this bug yesterday, and the forum mod correctly locked them and directed you to the bug report form.
Thank You for the clarification, Mod Ash. This is what I was hoping for on getting a second one. I really only want a 2nd ectophial. I store my secateurs in the farming implement storage system, so another set is not one of my pressing needs.
I am really impressed on the speed in which so many questions/ problems are being addressed in the forums lately. Kudos to all the Mods involved in the forums.
okay, this is a really important question, and I would like for it to be polled, why would there be menajerie's in poh's but other people can't use their own pets to fight in the arena spot?????????????????????????????????????????????
I'm so happy that pets can wander while challenge mode is on! It was so annoying in the other game having them disappear upstairs to allow some people to play downstairs.