I really liked the update with the death timer to be 30 mins 1 min to return for your stuff and 29 mins for others to see it, sad to see it go because even with a ectokey because of the run energy drain on your way back to godwars its impossible to get into any room within the 2 min death timer, and if you dc for whatever reason your untradeables are pretty much lost........ i propose atleast a 5-7 min timer just like gravestones so you have a chance to get back whatever your friends or some random scavenger could not loot.
i would also like to see you look at the pvp anti-pjer timer cause when i went pking other day i found bots at black chinchompas using another accout to windstrike/flower poke their bot to protect it from being attacked. while the bot did not hit them back i could not pj off the guy hitting the bot because he was in combat, but not in combat with the guy he was hitting as the bot was just traping chins while being windstrike splashed on. i think this is dumb an needs to be revised so i can attack people who are in combat but not being hit by the person they are hitting.
04-Sep-2014 11:28:19