
Dev Blog: Slayer & Christmas Thread is locked

Quick find code: 380-381-9-65435463

Mod Reach

Mod Reach

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
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Mod reach, why not give everyone 2 Party hats sets, 2 Christmas cracker, and 1 untradeable Black/Rainbow partyhat along with every other untradables for Christmas. This will make everyone happy and no one can really hoard/merchant them? Just an idea I want to throw out. If you're going with the idea as in the OP then people will just hoard Partyhats and make their prices go to the millions which not every have so not every can have fun if they don't have the money to afford them. Also, 2 Christmas crackers isn't enough for a Partyhat set let alone 50% when pulling it on someone else. :/ Overall, it's a bad idea to NOT introduce Partyhats for this year Christmas event.

This is the sort of feedback we're looking for. Nothing here is set in stone and happening for definite. If it's mutually agreed that this isn't what we should be doing then we won't do it. :)

15-Nov-2013 16:13:33



Posts: 209 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks Mod Reach,

I was also thinking about some sort of new item added that gives us more incentive to kill Slayer monsters. Some tasks such as hell hounds were awful to get until summoning was released. Maybe even bring back the Ring of Wealth drop tables that consisted of noted items, this gave every task the ability to make some profit. Just a thought.

15-Nov-2013 16:16:53

Oct Member 2023


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Mod reach, why not give everyone 2 Party hats sets, 2 Christmas cracker, and 1 untradeable Black/Rainbow partyhat along with every other untradables for Christmas. This will make everyone happy and no one can really hoard/merchant them? Just an idea I want to throw out. If you're going with the idea as in the OP then people will just hoard Partyhats and make their prices go to the millions which not every have so not every can have fun if they don't have the money to afford them. Also, 2 Christmas crackers isn't enough for a Partyhat set let alone 50% when pulling it on someone else. :/ Overall, it's a bad idea to NOT introduce Partyhats for this year Christmas event.

This is the sort of feedback we're looking for. Nothing here is set in stone and happening for definite. If it's mutually agreed that this isn't what we should be doing then we won't do it. :)

Thanks for letting us know that! :P Another question, it is possible to make the slayer ring tradeable unlike like it's counterpart on the main game? :p

15-Nov-2013 16:17:21

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15-Nov-2013 16:17:34

No Pk
Apr Member 2022

No Pk

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this is the problem we are having. taking 2013 new players ideas. we want rare items. i need something to be able to look forwards to. right now i have ags and there is nothing else in game more expensive for me to work towards.

i do not want free partyhat sets. if anything i want all 6 partyhats to make 1 rainbow partyhat.....

the player your quoted name has 2014 in it........come on now. lets take some advice from a 12 year vet not a 1 year ******.

Sir please controll your language on the forums, there (unfortunately) may be children present
LODJ Captain (OSRS)

Part time Noob, Fulltime Gamer

15-Nov-2013 16:19:28

Jan Member 2023


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Mod reach, why not give everyone 2 Party hats sets, 2 Christmas cracker, and 1 untradeable Black/Rainbow partyhat along with every other untradables for Christmas. This will make everyone happy and no one can really hoard/merchant them? Just an idea I want to throw out. If you're going with the idea as in the OP then people will just hoard Partyhats and make their prices go to the millions which not every have so not every can have fun if they don't have the money to afford them. Also, 2 Christmas crackers isn't enough for a Partyhat set let alone 50% when pulling it on someone else. :/ Overall, it's a bad idea to NOT introduce Partyhats for this year Christmas event.

This is the sort of feedback we're looking for. Nothing here is set in stone and happening for definite. If it's mutually agreed that this isn't what we should be doing then we won't do it. :)

I comepletly agree with WWE 2K14.
If we don't give 2 of each partyhats to everyone who participates in the christmas event, hoarders/merchers will make bills (again) without doing anything.
Like you already said (Mod Reach) rares were intended as a fun item and not something with which people should make bills by merching/hoarding them and giving them manipulated prices.
So I believe that everyone who participates should get 2 of each partyhat, 1 rainbow/black partyhat, 2 santas, 2 craclers and the untradeable christmas rares.

15-Nov-2013 16:19:46

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15-Nov-2013 16:20:36

No Pk
Apr Member 2022

No Pk

Posts: 228 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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And please think about some other small changes like the broad bolts, like noted addy bars and such from aviansies. small things like that is what I know a lot of people want.

If u read the dev blog broad bolts will be a possbility and as for addy bars they were denied to make sure the smithing skill keeps its integrity
LODJ Captain (OSRS)

Part time Noob, Fulltime Gamer

15-Nov-2013 16:22:07

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