
Dev Blog: Slayer & Christmas Thread is locked

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Mod Reach

Mod Reach

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
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Thanks for the blog Mod Reach.
Everything looks good but I'm not sure about rainbow partyhat l0l.
Maybe make it so that we only get 1 rainbow phat out of the combination of all?
It would be a nice way to have an item sink on phats and rainbow phats wouldn't be too common too.

Also what are the 2 new bosses?
Do you mean merodach (dragon) and the other guy (which looks like an old necromancer)?

The partyhat stuff is something we're still looking into. Now is the best time to get feedback down.

As for the bosses, no these would be similar in to the Smoking Kills slayer bosses. In the well unlocked by Smoking Kills, there were rooms with specific slayer monsters in. Each monster had a boss of the same species that you had to kill in order to continue to slay there. You only had to kill it once and it was essentially a bigger, stronger version of that slayer monster.

15-Nov-2013 15:34:20

Mod Reach

Mod Reach

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
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all looks decent apart from the rainbow tradable phat, thats bordering fish masks.

We're still keeping an eye on the feedback for this at the moment to make sure we don't stray into unwanted territory with rares :)

15-Nov-2013 15:36:13

Mod Reach

Mod Reach

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
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Mod Reach, After the poll and all votes are taken. About how long will it take to implement the following slayer update. Just a rough estimate will do. Really looking forward to this :D

This is a completely rough guess as you say and is by no mean accurate or definite, but I'm guessing a between 2-3 months.

Don't hold me to that of course as it may be much sooner! As I said, that's a guess.

15-Nov-2013 15:38:53

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