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We will not be reconsidering the status of the holiday items. They were voted on and the community decided.
I shall say this one more time; they're a fun item, not an item intended to make you a lot of money. They're for vanity, not merchanting.
They're not designed to serve any other purpose.
That's what I've felt the holiday items should have been all along. Do you know how in the Fremmenik Trials Agnar asks for an IMPOSSIBLE amount of money to get his vote for the trial? Sooner or later in RS3, Santa hats and party hats are going to cost that much. In other words, they will be IMPOSSIBLE to get unless in the extremely unlikely event that someone just gives you one.
I gave up long ago on ever getting a Santa hat in the 'other' RuneScape because even now it costs WAAAAY too much, and is unlikely to get any lower. To me, that's kind of sad.
I don't want the same thing happening in Old School RuneScape, so I wholeheartedly approve of any policy that makes the holiday items into more of the fun vanity items they were meant to be, and not ridiculously expensive items for merching.
So keep those items as recurring items. To me, they're supposed to be fun ways of getting into the holiday spirit. Leave the merching for other, non-holiday items.
22-Nov-2013 14:34:36