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pink would be cool to support ****** cancer... just saying,
That's a good reason to, BUT Pink was the most expensive party hats in classic until there was a glitch which turned them purple, which oddly made them the cheapest
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its a good thing to have a few items that dominate the market, whats the point in having the same items that everyone else has? there needs to be items that are so expensive that not every player has one,..
I wonder how many people are going to quit now?
Well then I guess came over to OSRS for the wrong reasons .. sounds like those kind of people that would quit cause phats wont be rares only came to merch .. go back to RS3 is what I would say
we don't need phats we just need an item that shows " wealthy player" and so far 07 scape is missing this
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pink would be cool to support ****** cancer... just saying,
That's a good reason to, BUT Pink was the most expensive party hats in classic until there was a glitch which turned them purple, which oddly made them the cheapest
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its a good thing to have a few items that dominate the market, whats the point in having the same items that everyone else has? there needs to be items that are so expensive that not every player has one,..
I wonder how many people are going to quit now?
Well then I guess came over to OSRS for the wrong reasons .. sounds like those kind of people that would quit cause phats wont be rares only came to merch .. go back to RS3 is what I would say
we don't need phats we just need an item that shows " wealthy player" and so far 07 scape is missing this
Full 3rd age.
Please, please, please bring slayer helm, back slayer points, new slayer areas, the sooner the better since it takes awhile to get those 400 points for the helm, I believe for doing slayer you should get the reward of a slayer helm so you can have the bonus att and str % while on tasks and right now haven't to use a noise peg or ear muffs make it not as fun since we can get that bonus for doing our tasks.
Having Kuradel's Dungeon and the Chaos Tunnels is rather sketchy at this point. If it were up to me I would hold off on those.
I would want the Slayer Helmet ONLY if you are required to spend points on how to make it. Being able to make one from the moment you first login to the new update makes things too easy and therefore everyone is going to run around with a Slayer Helmet that is superior. Quite the contrast to -JUST- a Black Mask, Nosepeg or Facemask.
Should Jagex listen too much to the guy who posted above me, Old School will be far easier by next year.
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i gotta say..i too also agree that its pretty...silly.. to give out party hats every year...
some things have been re polled.. and i think this is one of the few things that needs to be..
when osrs started..the majority of people seemed to be rejecting most ideas..
now it seems to be there doing the opposite..
seems like there accepting most of them..
that would an encredicbly ridiculous amount of party hats circulating..
while gold is not the major item i strive for in this game..
i do admit that i like having nice or expensive things..
i remember back in the day that one of my far off dreams was to own a partyhat...
why? because not everyone owned one..
because it seemed a sense of accomplishment of saving and scrimping to get one..
i did achieve that goal..and the feeling was awesome..
i truly felt very proud of my phat..
and maybe inside some of us we still have that feeling..
and maybe if they discontinue phats someday they will become valuable again
and finally..by joining osrs in this first year..
we all have a one up on those that join later..
im not greedy..or anything..
but sometimes being in the right place..at the right time is what we need..
we NEED something to make goals for..and party hats were meant to be awesome..
its a whole lot better than a silly pumpkin or something being worths billions someday..
at least the partyhat is something we can wear with pride..
why not..
theres gonna be things that will be valuable..aqnd the partyhat is classic...like os right?
ty for writing this mate, it reflects what i feel, but you put it in words pretty good, mod reach should read this post cuz, alot of players feel this.
ty again, nice post
There are other things you can buy with your money. if you don't have 99 construction you should not complain ab