I like the ideas I however disagree with the Party hat idea if in order to get the Rainbow party hat we must buy party hats from players who currently own them what's stopping them from rising to max cash value again especially re-destroying the economy for 6(7 with rainbow) paper crowns which have 0 stats, the Black Santa hat on the other had i do like the idea of since i like the color black, but i agree with UN Guard "This isn't Halloween" (However that is my favorite holiday) I like his idea of a White Santa Hat, I Envision that the Black Santa Hat would be Black where the normal is red and the white would still be white, however I see the White Santa Hat idea brought up by UN Guard, as being a White Santa hat either Fully white, or with a black ball and fuzz at the bottom, I also like the idea of a Black Hat with red Ball/fuzz, or you could do Blue Santa hat, Green Santa Hat to make the set similar to the idea of the Original Halloween masks set (Blue = Sara, Green = Guthix, Red = Zamorak) I am against making new Discontinued Items/Re-discontinuing previous "Rare Items" because In my time of playing RuneScape since 2003, all I've seen "Rare Items" do is rise in price putting more money in the hands of those lucky enough to obtain the items upon initial release, I am one who my first Rare was untradeable, and in OSRS The only Rares I managed to Obtain were Christmas crackers (Cryptic Clue fest) Easter Eggs (100% Spawn 1 per player) and Santa Hats (due to already obtaining 5 of the 7 Easter eggs, and finding some trustworthy people @ the party room, I lost 3 to thieves) So I was happy to be able to obtain my Mask set and Pumpkins during the Halloween Event instead of having to once again watch Wealthy players manipulate the price of "Rare Items" once again to an outrageous 2B/Phat in RS3 you cannot obtain a Rare from classic time without at least 100M+ to spend on an item that gives no bonuses or is Edible and 1 failure to withdraw as a note takes it all away.
15-Nov-2013 21:32:57