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I still can't PvM with Magic.......
Reach pls I'm sick of Melee-dominant Slayer and Bossing, I wanna use some Magic at GWD and on Slayer tasks.
Isn't that the reason they made EoC? I've always hated people saying stuff like go play eoc if you don't like it, But I guess that actually fits in extremely well here lol.
I see nothing wrong with monsters that can only be killed with a specific combat style, EOC did improve monsters to have more variety but they went a bit too far. EOC also butchered the combat system from all aspects.
When speaking of combat triangle balance, it doesn't mean all three styles have to all hit the same damage. Corporal beast was a good idea, in terms of only spears doing full damage when it came to meleeing the boss. A boss-monster on OSRS would be nice if it was favorably kill-able with the magic skill, ice strykewyrms were a perfect example and we didn't need EOC to make magic useful.
18-Nov-2013 19:16:02