
Dev Blog: Slayer & Christmas Thread is locked

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Posts: 1,840 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That sounds pretty good :)

A couple questions if you have a second,

- Will there be any negatives for failing a Time Trial to encourage people to not just accept every Time Trial offered, such as Reward Points going under the Base Reward Amount?

-- Will Broad Bolt Range Strength and Fletching xp be different when compared to their original values? Would it be feasible give them a low Range Strength but with a 'Bane' effect?

Thank you for you time, also belated congratz on becoming a Content Dev. :)


18-Nov-2013 17:20:22

Feb Member 2024


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So based upon feedback, it seems there is a mutual agreement that not getting two of every partyhat alongside two of all the other tradeable Christmas items is not the prefered idea.

So instead, we've gone back to the original drawing board plan and are ofeering two of every partyhat, an untradeable rainbow partyhat AND an untradeable Black partyhat. We'll throw the rainbow one in for good measure but you will not need to cut up any partyhats to make it and neither will it retain any street value, it'll just become another untradeable vanity 'rare'.

We've also looked at some of the slayer feedback and there's been some concern over the introduction of additional XP when completing a task quickly through time trial slayer. Instead, we'll go down the route of offering additional points and leave the XP rates exactly as they are.

We've also taken extra feedback on board and are adding the slayer gem to the slayer mask allowing you to right click the helmet to see how many kills you have left giving the helm the same options as the gem. This will be inclusive when building the helmet.

How does that sound?

I still can't PvM with Magic.......

Reach pls I'm sick of Melee-dominant Slayer and Bossing, I wanna use some Magic at GWD and on Slayer tasks.


18-Nov-2013 17:28:01

Jan Member 2007


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So based upon feedback, it seems there is a mutual agreement that not getting two of every partyhat alongside two of all the other tradeable Christmas items is not the prefered idea.

So instead, we've gone back to the original drawing board plan and are ofeering two of every partyhat, an untradeable rainbow partyhat AND an untradeable Black partyhat. We'll throw the rainbow one in for good measure but you will not need to cut up any partyhats to make it and neither will it retain any street value, it'll just become another untradeable vanity 'rare'.

We've also looked at some of the slayer feedback and there's been some concern over the introduction of additional XP when completing a task quickly through time trial slayer. Instead, we'll go down the route of offering additional points and leave the XP rates exactly as they are.

We've also taken extra feedback on board and are adding the slayer gem to the slayer mask allowing you to right click the helmet to see how many kills you have left giving the helm the same options as the gem. This will be inclusive when building the helmet.

How does that sound?

Awww, Party hats would be more fun retaining some value guess I won't bother with those rares either now. I never really cared either way.
*´¨)¸.*´ Kilot ~ Failed RuneScape player.
Zeros will be done, worship the empty lord

18-Nov-2013 17:29:59



Posts: 987 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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So based upon feedback, it seems there is a mutual agreement that not getting two of every partyhat alongside two of all the other tradeable Christmas items is not the prefered idea.

So instead, we've gone back to the original drawing board plan and are ofeering two of every partyhat, an untradeable rainbow partyhat AND an untradeable Black partyhat. We'll throw the rainbow one in for good measure but you will not need to cut up any partyhats to make it and neither will it retain any street value, it'll just become another untradeable vanity 'rare'.

We've also looked at some of the slayer feedback and there's been some concern over the introduction of additional XP when completing a task quickly through time trial slayer. Instead, we'll go down the route of offering additional points and leave the XP rates exactly as they are.

We've also taken extra feedback on board and are adding the slayer gem to the slayer mask allowing you to right click the helmet to see how many kills you have left giving the helm the same options as the gem. This will be inclusive when building the helmet.

How does that sound?

Ty, black phat and rainbow untradable is a great solution,

ty to listen :)

this is why oldschool beats rs3 any time.

ty for making this a great game

18-Nov-2013 17:30:39

Mod Mat K

Mod Mat K

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
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Reach what about the slayer challenges, for example Kuradal would give a 280 tzhaar creatures task and if you killed jad you would get 25k bonus slayer xp.

Also why is there no question about adding a new slayer master? Add a new slayer master which requires 75 slayer

Don't worry, the question about the new slayer master will be in the poll. As for other updates for slayer, we can happily look at some more in a future poll. If everything passes this poll, Reach and Ash have a lot of work ahead of them.


18-Nov-2013 18:02:00

T o m m i
Dec Member 2010

T o m m i

Posts: 3,190 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Reach what about the slayer challenges, for example Kuradal would give a 280 tzhaar creatures task and if you killed jad you would get 25k bonus slayer xp.

Also why is there no question about adding a new slayer master? Add a new slayer master which requires 75 slayer

Don't worry, the question about the new slayer master will be in the poll. As for other updates for slayer, we can happily look at some more in a future poll. If everything passes this poll, Reach and Ash have a lot of work ahead of them.


OK great :D

18-Nov-2013 18:03:58

I Joshua I

I Joshua I

Posts: 3,978 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'd really like these slayer rings to be easy to get, and have the same teleports as they do in RS3. Having to get 57 herblore and 49 farming for fairy tale part 2 just for teleports close to slayer areas is very annoying, that rellika slayer dungeon is a 5 minute walk from seers, so annoying. :P

18-Nov-2013 18:31:38 - Last edited on 18-Nov-2013 18:31:56 by I Joshua I

Makes Alt

Makes Alt

Posts: 661 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Original message details are unavailable.
So based upon feedback, it seems there is a mutual agreement that not getting two of every partyhat alongside two of all the other tradeable Christmas items is not the prefered idea.

So instead, we've gone back to the original drawing board plan and are ofeering two of every partyhat, an untradeable rainbow partyhat AND an untradeable Black partyhat. We'll throw the rainbow one in for good measure but you will not need to cut up any partyhats to make it and neither will it retain any street value, it'll just become another untradeable vanity 'rare'.

We've also looked at some of the slayer feedback and there's been some concern over the introduction of additional XP when completing a task quickly through time trial slayer. Instead, we'll go down the route of offering additional points and leave the XP rates exactly as they are.

We've also taken extra feedback on board and are adding the slayer gem to the slayer mask allowing you to right click the helmet to see how many kills you have left giving the helm the same options as the gem. This will be inclusive when building the helmet.

How does that sound?

I still can't PvM with Magic.......

Reach pls I'm sick of Melee-dominant Slayer and Bossing, I wanna use some Magic at GWD and on Slayer tasks.


Isn't that the reason they made EoC? I've always hated people saying stuff like go play eoc if you don't like it, But I guess that actually fits in extremely well here lol.

18-Nov-2013 18:32:36

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