
Dev Blog: BotWatch Update

Quick find code: 380-381-77-65448272

Oct Member 2020


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Actually the guy that started the group became a pmod later iirc (I'm drawing a blank on the name; Nabu Rimanni would probably remember, I think he was a clanchat officer). He started here on the forums, it actually caught on, and he was able to get Jmods interested, thread stickied for a while. Of course, no actual 'busting' was done until the Jmods started coming. But it later became clear they were interested more in PR, photo opps, and taking credit for this guy and his fellow clanchat officers' work, and the whole thing fell apart thereafter. It lasted from just after free trade was re-instated up to about June. And that's when I gave up mems for a while again, until I thought they'd actually gone a long way to getting the problem under control with the bot nuke in October that year. Hence my November forum date. If I'd known then what was coming it would probably read 2013 like many of the others in these OS forums.

30-Apr-2013 06:05:14

Aug Member 2022


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Walked past Seers Yews last night and there was like 20 bots around a tree. I don't think your Botwatch has worked.

This guys needs to be picked up. 10/10, great guy.

Would ban again.

His also looking for a job, so maybe he can ban bots all day?

30-Apr-2013 08:36:53 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2013 08:43:02 by Heathenry

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 19,631 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is great news indeed, good read, thank you!

Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone

30-Apr-2013 09:35:14

Skeleton Man

Skeleton Man

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Sassycindy wrote:

to sum it up..
getting rid of the bots wll be great..but the end result will/is/ that all previous bot owners have a ****derable advantage of beng flthy rich already even if they can't bot anymore..they are already filthy rich..=/


Until the time that not only the bots are targeted, but also the ones that harvest all the resources (or buy all the coins with RWT) us honest players are in the backseat.
Cheaters seem to able to get away with anything ingame at the moment.

For me, this is the reason why I temporarily stopped playing oldschool. The game itself is lovely. The community is rotten to the core though.

So true , rotten all the way.

Mad b/c they can't exploit Holiday Items and get more millions, autotyping every day to make millions, botting sub accounts to get ahead, hardly any actually want to play the game.

I SOOOOOO wish there was a ZERO TRADING, ZERO DROPS version of RS.

I would play that version where the only bots to worry about are those trying to bot their mains. They would be banned over time easy enough and anyone with the actual ability to play the game would have levels they earned, not bought.

Items they earned, not bought or pk'd.

I would love to play that version of rs.

30-Apr-2013 09:36:07



Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
a guy named hg*gituyou (obvious gold farmer name) only has 1 stat trained wich is crafting. i see him at flax fields most of the time its awful how hes number 122 crafting and still running 24/7... looks like bot watch does exactly what the name says, it watches bots but thats where it seems to stop

30-Apr-2013 11:05:18



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3. Can you start to target xyz now?

It's reports like this we need. You, the players, see all areas of the game and know the best and most efficient spots to purchase items, train and gather resource. We also know this, but there can be obscure areas bots and goldfarmers might target to keep out of sight. So far, we've taken the areas you've reported the worst and focused there. As we now begin to branch out, the areas you report are crucial, please keep these up!

What happens to areas that aren't used as often by players? There are some areas which have a high population of bots, but a low population of players which means they may not be getting reported. I reported 200 bots today in just one location (across multiple worlds), but during that time I only encountered 5 legitimate players. The accounts botting may not be getting reported as often as they should be since there are no players around. If there aren't enough players around, isn't there a chance of them slipping through the cracks?

30-Apr-2013 11:08:22

Mod Reach

Mod Reach

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
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3. Can you start to target xyz now?

It's reports like this we need. You, the players, see all areas of the game and know the best and most efficient spots to purchase items, train and gather resource. We also know this, but there can be obscure areas bots and goldfarmers might target to keep out of sight. So far, we've taken the areas you've reported the worst and focused there. As we now begin to branch out, the areas you report are crucial, please keep these up!

What happens to areas that aren't used as often by players? There are some areas which have a high population of bots, but a low population of players which means they may not be getting reported. I reported 200 bots today in just one location (across multiple worlds), but during that time I only encountered 5 legitimate players. The accounts botting may not be getting reported as often as they should be since there are no players around. If there aren't enough players around, isn't there a chance of them slipping through the cracks?

We're doing our own manual scans of areas as well as letting BotWatch find them itself. We'll then assess the area's for potential threats and work accordingly.

Your reports help us assess the damage impact as well as gather us information on the bot users themselves. Either way, we're still getting the information we need, your reports just helps some areas get to us a little faster :)

30-Apr-2013 11:26:27



Posts: 2,812 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So after doing the same stunt on eoc you still need reports to tell you where the bots are?

Do me a favour,12 years of programming the game,bot busting events,and having all the areas heavily botted by eoc bots given to you. you still don't know?:

All the places you got from eoc reports apply to OS,just minus the places we don't have in this version and you got it.

A player starting 2 weeks ago would know the hotspots but of course you will drag it out for as much as it's worth.

Being taken for a fool is not my cup of tea.

30-Apr-2013 11:57:32 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2013 12:06:35 by zenmort

Warrior Lady
Sep Member 2021

Warrior Lady

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I can tell you places that I have personally seen very obvious goldfarmer bots in large numbers. I mean the ones that have names like asdfwerty, or ffjj34kkll, and have like nothing trained on their highscores except the skill they are doing.

These are the places that I know have a lot of bots.
flax fields and spinning wheel in Seers.
nearly ALL trees in Catherby and Seers.
the fishing spots in Catherby.
the ess mines and Aubreys shop in varrock.
the silk trader in Ardougne.
the cow field in Fally has combat bots training melee for combat botting.
the yew trees south of Fally
the air altar, and mind altar.
a steady stream of goldfarmer bots going into the mining guild.

It is sad that I am 100% legit in my playing, and I have not made it to the mining guild yet, but the bots are all in there. :( .

I have not been around a lot of other areas yet, because my levels are not very high yet, but I will write more when I see them.

30-Apr-2013 12:09:46 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2013 12:13:59 by Warrior Lady

May Member 2022


Posts: 1,504 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The funny thing is, the areas that are populated with loads of bots are for low levels. However have you ever been to the mage training arena with the magic logs. It seems like 2 groups are camping those logs.

Names in w378:

30-Apr-2013 12:55:06 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2013 12:57:18 by Yasinova

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