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3. Can you start to target xyz now?
It's reports like this we need. You, the players, see all areas of the game and know the best and most efficient spots to purchase items, train and gather resource. We also know this, but there can be obscure areas bots and goldfarmers might target to keep out of sight. So far, we've taken the areas you've reported the worst and focused there. As we now begin to branch out, the areas you report are crucial, please keep these up!
What happens to areas that aren't used as often by players? There are some areas which have a high population of bots, but a low population of players which means they may not be getting reported. I reported 200 bots today in just one location (across multiple worlds), but during that time I only encountered 5 legitimate players. The accounts botting may not be getting reported as often as they should be since there are no players around. If there aren't enough players around, isn't there a chance of them slipping through the cracks?
30-Apr-2013 11:08:22