Great news!
I'm aware that you have stated f2p is not an option currently. Having said that I would just like to state my support for f2p being introduced. It would be a great advertisement and encourage growth. If this team were to sacrifice some short-term income for the games long-term health, it would be a HUGE step in the right direction.
^ This is what I think too. I think we need f2p to help us grow. It's not like any of us are going to stop paying membership, since we love OSRS and want to have all features available.
Also, for the botting issue, there's word going around that you only temporarily ban people for botting? I don't think this is really acceptable; there shouldn't be exceptions for botting. If you get caught, you should be perm banned. If you must, put it to a poll. We want HARSHER penalties for botting.
08-Jun-2013 00:11:10