Ref the arma crossbow,
i think the bow and spec is a good idea we have little items as rangers with specs and im sure to get hold of a bow with better bonuses and a awesome spec such as the one offered will take alot of effort to get hold of one, or alot of time to make the monye to buy one, as the price of this item would be very high. As for being able to one hit armadyl boss with a weapon so powerful well.. if u have 6 people with ags fighting the bandos boss it gets owned too? if you are lucky enough to get this item as a drop you have earned then the reward should be great, back in 2006 the Magic shortbow use to be 50% for a spec, which was changed to 60% as it was over powered? yet with a dds u can hit 30-30 and you can use it 4 times?
arma crossbow should be offered how you have explained weather itwill pass or not i dont know, but it would be nice to see this released.
16-Sep-2013 17:12:33