Looks very promising to me on most parts.
I think the 15% damage boost on the new staff would be justified.
I mean, it is dropped from one of the strongest bosses, just like godswords, and therefore I don't see anything wrong with it being the strongest staff.
The price will probably be very high making master wand and ancient staff still very viable, however I agree that these could use a magic damage boost as well (10% for example).
I think the crossbow with its special attack seems very nice as well.
However what I don't agree on is the imbued berserker ring.
Already being the only ring giving str bonus, it already gives a whopping +4 str--how many other items give that much?
When imbued, I think it should give a maximum +2 higher str (total +6 str), or it should have a huge cost to imbue (such as 10+ hours of nightmare zone every time you imbue one), or then alternatively it could give other boosts such as +attack boosts, while avoiding to make warrior ring overshadowed on that forte.
In any case, looking forward to the polls while farming nightmare zone!
14-Sep-2013 20:29:57