Guys, i mean... removing 1/4 of the BlowPipe dps would've been enough.. but you guys want to reduce it to half of it's dps ?? way too much in my opinion... can't happen.
Please do not apply any changes to current items or gameplay. Only apply changes to new weapons, this is a very slippery slope and we dont want a repeat of EOC. for the sake of the game dont make changes to the combat that we have all grown to love over the years.
Not sure i like the Blowpipe changes - its the only thing that allows mid level people to be considered for trips to bosses. without it nobody would be willing to take us because its just not efficient. It seems like you are solving the problem in the wrong way, taking steps backwards instead of forwards.
As an Ironman who plays mostly solo its quite disheartening to see that the items being nerfed the hardest (Blowpipe and d’hide) are the items I would require to get to the rarer and most powerful items that you’ve deemed as fine. All these changes would do is drive a gap between learner level gear for endgame content and the gear that said content offers.
As of right now the gear you plan to nerf is essential for players trying to get into the upper echelon of end game PvM. These changes are a desperate attempt to rebalance an already precarious power level that players have stood by for years.
Either poll the changes or don’t make them. That’s what this game was intended to be.
OSRS is a community led and community driven game. Making MASSIVE changes like this is the first step of a slippery slope of downfall. Don’t screw the game up, again.
I like the new level requirements for items and the warhammer changes. I think people are going to be uneasy with the nerfs of these end game content items as this is efficiencyscape and end gamers are going to to panic.
A majority of people who are leveling rely on d'hide and the power of bp to help them level, there isn't a good alternative to level with if your mid level'd.
When can we see some barrow items buffed with the amulet of the dammed. alot of the bonuses it gives are pointless. Give karils cbow a spec
Everything to do well with requires these 1b items like a tbow and the bp was a good alternative to raiding and bossing. if its nerf its going to be much harder for people to start getting into the endgame without another good replacement for people to work towards.
I would suggest a buff to bolt specs for PvM as the low chances of them going off puts people off that entire section of gear and could make new interesting gear setups needed for the game. Off the top of my head, a new crafting/combing item to the amulet of accuracy to give it increased spec chance
Un-nerf the void elite buff if the bp is getting nerfed
The blow pipe spec never hits in the first place why does it need nerfing
The rune warhammer with a defender is about to out perform the torags hammers
urhm, pog?
21-Jan-2021 15:52:13
- Last edited on
21-Jan-2021 23:33:30