FIRST OFF... I don't mean to sound degrading, but I do feel we need to call out the mods on the fact that they aren't responding enough to the issues with this client. Now, there may be a separate thread for issues with the new client, i don't know... but the issues here have largely been addressed, questioned, and then when players answer the questions the mods ask to try and resolve their issues, the mods don't respond. It's like you asking someone what they would like for dinner, and then they say "spaghetti", and you just make yourself a bowl of cereal an hour later and don't offer them anything again. It's ridiculous. I originally came to this post because I was trying to find a way to turn my DarkScape into a launcher, much like how the RS3 code was edited in notepad to launch OSRS, several months ago. If this is the proper place to ask such a question, please, anyone, give me some sort of answer, or at least a clue if you know one. I'd very much appreciate it. If not, then please respond to this message and address me and let me know the proper place to put this. Thanks for reading.
03-Oct-2015 14:13:20