Hey Jagex, love the commitment and hard work your doing, sorry to say though really don't like bounty hunter or artisan. That's just me. I love that Corp might be coming back. Him and Jad are my top two favorite bosses and since I've mentioned Jad, a Jad pet would be awesome for some kind of exchange of proficiency in the caves. Could be something where you don't need to add anything but challenges to the waves to make them less boring as well. For example, Wave 54: No ranging allowed or task failed. I think I'm on to something here. And you have to defeat Jad with melee only as well. Ok I'm falling off track here.... No Artisan, you guys first polled it like we "have" to have a new skill most of us didn't want one. And doesn't that sound familiar? Hmm, poll a big update without an option to say no we don't want it, kinda reminds me of EOC. Please listen to us and don't let history repeat itself. Iron man mode sounds awesome! Corp sounds Awesome! We kinda do have these wards and dragonfire shields and I would hate for something as rare as a vissage to become a crap drop. I would like everything to maintain its value. And can we get dragon defender plz, dragon pickaxes came into game after dragon defender on main game and we have d picks so plz don't say d defender is eoc... thanks, I'm done Santa. =]
01-Aug-2014 17:48:05