August has arrived and the month ahead is going to be a good one. Here is a sneak-peak of some of what August has in store.
Bounty Hunter target system
In next week's poll you will be able to decide if the Bounty Hunter target system, as described in the developer blog , will make an appearance in Old School.

The Bounty Hunter target system is a nifty game mechanic that challenges a player in the wilderness to take out a specific opponent. The aim of the system is to add another level of challenge to PvP while condensing the PKing population onto a world where the mechanic is available, creating a more active wilderness.
In-game polls

In-game polls would make the content polls significantly more accessible for all Old School players and would, in all likelihood, increase the number of players that we see voting. The more players that vote, the better our understanding of what it is that the players want and the better our updates will be as a result.
We recently ran a poll poll to get an idea of how players imagine in-game polls working within Old School. You can see the details and results of the poll poll here .
Corporeal Beast

Later on this month there will be a developer blog discussing our plans for the Corporeal beast based on the tremendous amount of feedback that you have given us to work with.

If you haven't yet seen the last Artisan developer blog, click here and make sure to give it a read.
Clan Cup
Since the start of the Clan Cup battles have been raging on every Saturday and the finals are fast approaching. Later on in August the winners of each cup will be announced and they will commemorated forever with their in-game relics.
Keep an eye out as some of the final events will be livestreamed on the RuneScape Twitch.tv channel.
Community streams & developer Q&A
As always there will be a constant flow of livestreams, including the community livestreams every Wednesday, developer Q&A every Thursday and numerous guest streamers, on on the RuneScape Twitch.tv channel.
Keep up-to-date with updates and what is going on with the Old School team by following us on Twitter: @JagexAlfred , @JagexAsh , @JagexJohnC , @JagexMatK , @JagexReach , @JagexRonan and @JagexWeath
Mods Alfred, Ash, John C, Mat K, Reach, Ronan & Weath
The Old School Team

01-Aug-2014 13:43:37 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2014 13:53:37 by Mod Ronan