This is ridiculous, the Artisan skill got voted down and shouldn't be re polled along with Bounty Hunter. Nothing has been re polled since Old School was released and the fact that they'e starting now with things like the Artisan skill and Bounty Hunter? It's outrageous, that's what it is, I still personally don't want either of these items voted into the game. Artisan just because the skill still sucks and is a huge waste of time. The only change to Bounty Hunter is the targeting system which I like, but as a whole I still will vote no in the hopes of getting it voted down. Just to add to the disappointment of this whole thing it appears to me that we'll only be voting on what the Corporeal Beast drops too? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'd like the opportunity to vote on whether or not that should be in the game also. Everything about this month is looking down so far. If the newest Artisan and Bounty Hunter poll had a question about whether or not the Corporeal Beast should be added to Old School my answer would sure as hell be NO to that question also. Please fix this BS, Thank you.
01-Aug-2014 15:17:44