First of all, this is just the artisan skill for construction, didn't you guys learn when that failed to pass? Slayer has already ruined the PvM section of the game through your oversatuation of it into every corridor of the game just to make it so "NMZ prodding" wasn't a thing, we didn't want the same thing with skilling and the vote showed it. "Boss slayer" is a complete travesty and should never pass, I was ardently against the current implementation of it that we have of it back in 2015 I believe when it was added. Since then you've added a zillion slay bosses, just leave it be.
Secondly, unless this is done properly, it is going to completely ruin construction in the same way wintertodt did firemaking. You took what was previously a reasonably mid-tier buyable, and made it into a marginal profit skill with hardly any drop in xp/hr. This doesn't *sound* like the same case, but if you're lowering the gp/xp of training to, say, 5 gp/xp, then the xp/hr can't be any higher than 150k tops. People are already going to be doing it just because you added cosmetics and QoL items to it that make training outside of it easier/more convenient which is going to result in a decline of the cost of the skill no matter the xp rate you give it. All you'd have to do to fix wintertodt, btw, is make it scale up to 175-200k xp/hr at 99.
An example of a non-buyable skill that you did an idea like this to properly is runecrafting. Blood/souls are far less click intensive, yet provide dramatically less xp (~50% lavas) and profit (double astrals/nats) than the best methods at their level. Daeyalt essence was also properly done, outside of the tick manip but then that makes what is supposed to be afk back into click intensive so it is an entirely separate can of worms. When looking at the xp/hr rates, you can't just go "oh wow! lets make this 350k xp/hr, 50k down from 400k is a big number!" because in reality that is only a 12.5% decrease from a 400k xp/hr method.
Still bitter about Sailing not passing
Against slayscape
05-Aug-2020 19:41:43