Now that I've had a chance to do it for a bit, several concerns:
A: Assuming 60 contracts per hour, you get 240 points per hour doing expert contracts. This number is likely a very liberal estimate (too high). Since the outfit costs 2k points, this would be an absurd 8+ hours for the outfit at the *expert* level. Shouldn't it be like... 12 hours for noob contracts, 10 hours for novice, 8 hours for adept, 6 hours expert? Or maybe less? But as is, it is ridiculous for just the stupid outfit alone.
B: Assuming 60 contracts an hour and an average of 12 mahog planks burned per house, this is like 225k xp/hr and 1.5m cost. That is wayyyyy too much xp if you're not trying to ruin construction like you did firemaking with wintertodt. At straight level 70, why wouldn't someone do this (~6.5gp/xp) and get their outfit over conventional training?
C: Norman's place is bugged out as hell, neighboring house will show furniture spots and they bug in and out depending on proximity to house. Usually fixed by going upstairs.
P.S. If the stupid community won't vote no to updates with no clear xp rates/information, then you as a company need to have the *integrity* you claimed to have back when osrs started up to not put out a poll until you come out with enough information. Also, the fact that this was released so soon after being polled raises all too many red flags.
Still bitter about Sailing not passing
Against slayscape
26-Aug-2020 12:21:30