Going to have to give this an extremely strong no.
Whilst there are some nice ideas, such as the Boss Teleports, Rare Drop Tables and general GWD improvements through the combined blessings... the overall Slayer Master, separation of masters, Task List, rewards list such as the Blood & Death packs and basically everything else other than the mentioned nice exceptions, would strongly upset the balance of the game.
This would certainly cause a significant number of rarer items in the game to crash, running costs for top-tier items such as the Scythe and Sanguinesti would significantly decrease due to the huge influx of Blood Runes from the packs and just in general there would be both no reason to Boss off task, bossing would become significantly easier all-round and rarer items would crash as a result either directly or indirectly.
Whilst it may seem nice or convenient to put in the game to some, especially Ironman accounts, it should definitely be strongly thought about the impact this would have on the game overall before blindly voting yes.
14-Jul-2020 18:37:53