Targets should drop the following items:
- Cruel tokens and used to modify items as i explained in my previous posts. (degradable items great for economy and gives incentive)
- Resource packs containing:
5-10 Ranarrs, 5-10, Kwuarms, 5-10 Irits.
25-50 Limp*urts, 50-100 Snapegrass, 25-50 White berries.
25-50 Oak planks, 10-25 Magic logs, 25-50 Yew logs.
10-50 Raw Sharks, 25-50 Raw Monkfish, 50-100 Raw Lobsters.
2-15 Random herb seeds.
Coin packs:
5k Coins
10k Coins
50k Coins
100k Coins - Highest amount, will not inflate economy. Want to fix inflation? Remove high alchemy.
Edit: Oh without actual aggressive item sinks, the prices of items consistently devalue and the number of items continues to clog the game. We need some sort of EP system to promote people hanging around in the wilderness and at the same time increase activity and remove items from the game.
Who benefits? -
Skillers, the items they harvest gain value.
Pvmers, they'll find abyssal whips and other high end items will gain value which means more profit.
Pkers, higher priced loots means more profit. Who wants to make 1.3m when they can make 3m+? More is always better.