Will still vote NO to this, and I'm surprised you spent all this time creating this dev blog when the poll failed. No, we do not want country hunter. the people who voted for it probably don't pk and wanted to try it once, **** someone off, then go back to clicking on trees for days on end. Pkers already have a problem being spread out so far, from 1v1 pking to small teams to clans, you are constantly world hopping looking for people wether it is in the wilderness, edgeville, or the diluted pvp worlds.
If you really want to fix pvp, fix pvp worlds. The fact that at 63 combat i can get rushed by a level 79 maxed out pure is utterly ridiculous. Im 80 ranged on my pure, nothing else, and I'm fighting gods. The same for my main here, I'm 103 combat fighting nearly maxed mains when i only have one combat stats over 90. Fix them to be like lower level wilderness idk mates get creative. I love the game and though I'm not for all these updates i do think you RE DOING A GOOD JOB HANDLING THEM and their impact on our game but please for a second consider the piers before you go introducing a pointless system thats only benefit is... cosmetics?? really?!? thats the other half of your gaming audience jagex, piers play because this game has the most competitive pvp environment to offer, not because they want a pink crown or something.
30-Jul-2014 13:03:55