Few things I would like to see Ash.
1.) Make a requirement to vote on polls, Such as a set total level or play time in 2007 scape. I know rs3 players who vote against stuff "just because they can" as they say.
2.) We do not only need new bosses such as GWD we need new items, That is what will help 07. If we could add a new level clue scroll such as Level 4 or master scroll
(to be different from rs3) And we could add such things as the Dragon pickaxe, Some new skiller stuff like elegant, A new rune trimmed set like the zammy or sara one but with zaros or bandos. And maybe a new color cavalier. this could also be how to get the brawlers for the PvP worlds. And any other stuff people would like to add.
3.) Add a Dragon short bow, This is something we always wanted in 07 along with the D cross bow and it would REALLY help in making 07 its own thing from Rs3 this could be gained from Dragon drops such as a visage but make it as equal hard to get as we would want it to be rare.
4.) Add air guitar pls (: I love that emote.
I'll add more if I think of them but the point is to add stuff Rs3 never had.
09-Aug-2013 16:29:41