It can't be said enough, OSRS will die without GWD.
Clan wars? Why? Not much of a big update, maybe something for later because just a few people will keep playing OSRS just for clan wars.
PvP worlds? Good idea, although i'm not a pker really, when i did some pking years ago i liked it in PvP worlds, city hybriding etc.
But please don't put something like an EP system, it's just free money for people without the skills to make money otherwise and besides there would be huge inflation.
Many people have already quit because they lost their hopes on GWD coming back and i'm losing hope too.
It would bring such a big amount of possibilities into the game, not just killing the bosses itself, but think about all the armours and weapons + dragon boots/spiritual mages.
Also if GWD is added an insanely big amount of old players will return.
I don't see much of another option right now to keep OSRS alive, and make it even grow.
Hope JaGeX will take this seriously and not just do nothing about it like all the bad updates on RS which made many people quit with as the by far biggest peak the troll called ''EoC''.
12-Aug-2013 04:39:59