Wildy Tag seems like a really bad idea. I can already see it now, wildy tag clan chat Groups of like 50+ or more people solely bent on tagging the posts, making pking them close to impossible and just joining the cc the better, safest, and only alternative.
PVP Worlds i can get behind so long as the drops are what the person is carrying and any nontradble items like firecape, torso, and defender are left on the ground after death.
Clan Wars, idk maybe. I'd really like to see SOUL WARS or a game with the same pvp/pvm mechanics with similar rewards and arena. Maybe a combination of the two.
The God Wars Dungeon: Unless the weapons are more then just melee based, I can really go without it. If GWD does come back, it needs to come back right. With it being combat triangle balanced. Loot wise and combat wise. Zamorak dropping magic armor and weapons, Bandos dropping melee armor and weapons, Armadyl droping range armor and weapons, and Saradomin dropping prayer armor/items and weapons.
16-Aug-2013 05:51:19