These updates are ok but let us not forget other great updates post August 10th, 2007. One of the greatest updates from this period was the Player Kit Update of August 13th, 2007. This update gave us a wider range of hair and clothing styles. Being that it was already finished and is accessible in your archives releasing it is just as feasible as GWD. Please do not forget this update in favor of the pvp releases you outlined above.
I notice you're focusing a lot on PvP, which is fair enough considering it's the main reason people play Old School. But what of other content? What of quests? I'd like to see the 07/08 quests added.
I'm just a man; I'm not a hero.
Just a boy who had to sing this song.
Hey jack ass jagex. Message from a 8-9 year life wasted verteran. You still are going to go bank rupt if you can not convince your boss to kill the eoc fighting style. You are doing the same things politicians do.. Not admitting mistakes and covering your eyes and ears and screaming at the top of your lungs. You saw what happend when you brought wildi back, and trade limit now do the right thing or apply to blizzard. That is all
Is it me or everyone seems to forget about TASKS? I'd like to see them in game.
Also, please add more quests, such as Within the light , if that's possible.
godwars has already been decided on, personally if there is any room for more boss content that correlates to eoc/rs3 i'd rather not see it. godwars is perfect for 07 and its all the boss material we need. both pkers & pvmers would be happy
rather not see more weapons and advantages like the "Dark elixir" to improve barrows and all that other sht from the kraken and indruden be introduced.
as for anything else, if (HYPOTHETICALLY) clan wars was to be introduced, leave it as a purple portal but in a different spot (instead of in the wilderness, like the first time)
unless jagex wants to make more space in the wilderness so it doesn't affect the eastern dragon hills a long with the old bone yard for mids.
slayer helm should be introduced as well, seeing as it helps but leave the enchantments out of it (hex,focus ect).
wildy tag is optional. but i'd prefer pvp worlds more but contain them to the wilderness like before (would give just as much action as wildy tag would but keeping all the pkers happy)
+ f2p worlds please<3 more players overall for a game & DO NOT CHANGE THE GRAPHICS BACK TO 04 THAT CONCEPT IDEA IS HORRIBLE.