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Also with this wildy tag thing surely you can't do that in every world especially if the rewards are so high as people in low populated worlds a little bit after release could essentially rim this out for money rendering skilling pointless for the average player which will lead to over inflated skilling supplies, and also what about little level 3's running around that won't be able to get killed and on the other end of the scale the 126's running around that not many people can attack. These are quite big concerns as I feel this one could ruin the game.
Pures kill lvl 3s. Other high lvls in high lvl clans kill the 126s (just look out for when the f2p worlds have more than 100 people on them, go to lvl 40+ wilderness near spider hill and you'll see how many of them go pking). Also, if lots of people are doing it, more people are out there killing each other, all worlds are busier, items will be lost (it costs money to get pking gear, or some loot just isn't picked up), people spend money buying more pk gear creating sinkhole for $$, everyone wins. No need to fear it.
10-Aug-2013 11:54:24