So I keep an eye on news posts.. hoping that there will come a time when RS looks like something I could play again..
This news post makes me happy with my decision to find another game.. y'all sound like you're planning to really push pvp hard.. when not all of your customers have interest in pvp.
What a shame.. RS was so much more than pking.. back in the day.. and it sounds like you want to choke off all aspects (and all players) that don't want anything to do with pvp.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.
The amount of replies here indicates how many people cares.
Wrong. Nobody uses the forums. The amount of people that care is an extremely high number. Just look at the Reddit and Twitter linked in the news posts. Post about these issues generally get up to 30k upvotes and are posted about daily.
So I keep an eye on news posts.. hoping that there will come a time when RS looks like something I could play again..
This news post makes me happy with my decision to find another game.. y'all sound like you're planning to really push pvp hard.. when not all of your customers have interest in pvp.
What a shame.. RS was so much more than pking.. back in the day.. and it sounds like you want to choke off all aspects (and all players) that don't want anything to do with pvp.
Except that that's not true haha. I mean, the very VERY strong majority of content is for skillers and pvmers. This is just talking about giving Pvpers some content. The fact that you don't want Pvpers to get any content is upsetting to say the least. But as you've said, you've moved on to other games and it's great to hear. We don't need people that believe that certain parts of the community don't deserve to get content updates.
200M all skills, Trimmed comp Cape, MQC
White knighting"female" forum users is cringey
Always protect "certain community minded people" no matter what!
last man standing is dead because it is prayer flick scape. the game would be 1000x better with the removal of prayer. no1 even bothers with it because of it has nothing to do with surviving through strategy and everything to do with prayer flicking.
we should be able to have government issued i.d. to be able to recover accounts like many other mmorpgs. at the minimum have a delay set to the authenticator removal
we should get an entire set of granite weapons like granite hallys and 2h's. theres no reason not to
weapons of simliar tiers should have similiar damage if its the same speed such as maces and scims or daggers
there is no reason for people who have never pvp'd to be able to spam vote "no" on 15 accounts so that the pvp community gets no updates
deadman tourns would be alot more appealing to the community if we didnt have to chance it out in giant multi batles with clans. theres litterally no point in grinding when its just luck if your getting piled. the ability to do 1vs1 with 2k players even is very simple as even after 5 rounds it would be down to 67 people.
having only streamers get some sort of justice for being ragged is rather unfair to everyone. even those who tweet vids of 100 clips of some1 ragging them get ignored when sent to litterally 8 jmods.