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So I keep an eye on news posts.. hoping that there will come a time when RS looks like something I could play again..
This news post makes me happy with my decision to find another game.. y'all sound like you're planning to really push pvp hard.. when not all of your customers have interest in pvp.
What a shame.. RS was so much more than pking.. back in the day.. and it sounds like you want to choke off all aspects (and all players) that don't want anything to do with pvp.
Except that that's not true haha. I mean, the very VERY strong majority of content is for skillers and pvmers. This is just talking about giving Pvpers some content. The fact that you don't want Pvpers to get any content is upsetting to say the least. But as you've said, you've moved on to other games and it's great to hear. We don't need people that believe that certain parts of the community don't deserve to get content updates.
200M all skills, Trimmed comp Cape, MQC
White knighting"female" forum users is cringey
Always protect "certain community minded people" no matter what!
21-Mar-2019 10:28:20