Copied from a thread I made elsewhere before I knew this thread was a thing that existed:
So. The Hosidius House rework proposal seems to have gone up, and can I just say, it looks great? It actually fits in with the look of other locations around Runescape now.
Not only is the overall visual look vastly improved, it looks like there's more interesting things to go check out.
The two negative things I have to say though, is that I think the Vinery is still too large, and the beach looks rather bland.
To elaborate on the latter - a large beach is fine, and there are plenty of other large, mostly empty places in OSRS, so that's fine... Except most of those other areas have various features to break up the landscape. Add some trees or some scattered rocky outcrops. Doesn't need to be a lot of them, but a few here and there.
01-Oct-2018 20:14:17