@ Demon of W97,
you see this whole melee bias thing keeps confusing me i use range and mage only, i pvm only to get to the stats i need to pk. . . i have no problem keeping up, and im tbh in support for the Gwd to be released as was, Ags unnerfed, i dont need an arma cbow,
Sure spells, and damage from staffs would be nice, but thats really about it no chop shop sol.
as it is post gwd everything was fine other then mage could use staff damage bonus, if you are happy with eoc, then i hope you enjoy it, as a ranger, im perfectly happy with the balance as it is, i can assure you, if you want unbalanced, try mages destroying rangers with ease pre eoc, jagex admitting in there blogs that rangers where underpowerd, and that they wherent planning on fixing them . . . the release of a melee based weapon that could not miss, and used magic to hit through dhide, vs a class that was designd to tank. . .
31-Aug-2013 20:15:30