HMMMM, why go for the easiest "fix" aka make it dead content?
Currently there are so many things wrong with PVM and the whole game. Back in the day PVM still held risk because we didn't have dead timers etc, resulting in Gp still leaving the game and skillers supplying resources. Now PVM dictates skillers and PVPers in polls etc.
The whole rev cave could have been a great update, for everyone.
For a start bracelet of Ethereum should only reduce damage done by revs by x amount. Revenants should have equal special abilities to the living counterparts. AKA Dark beast requires a certain slayer level, dragons using dragon fire and has a better drop table as an imp.
Spread the Revs out over multi and single combat areas, all over the wild, in groups of 4 or 5. So multi and single pkers have something to do. And make it a choice of everyone on where they want to kill them.
Give them a rare unique, and with rare I mean rare,(1/3000,5000)and don't fix it 2weeks later making the drop 4x more common like you did with the prayer scrolls in raids. If it's best in slot it will be worth for people to camp for a rare.
Add brawler gloves, only usable in Pvp worlds, with automatic skulling and a minimum risk of 200K, giving 1.4x EXP only in hotspots. Making pvp more as just Varrock and edge ragging. And remove 1click teleports, which will discourage Spec tabbing to house.
And give the damn Spec pool a Cooldown timer so PVM becomes a challenge again, and pvping is more as just hoping for RNG.
The last few points are off topic, but since I never post I might as well rant it all.
22-Feb-2018 05:44:16
- Last edited on
22-Feb-2018 05:46:08