I am so hyped for the comeback of revenants but when i see how the polls are going now I'm getting pretty sure that the drop table will exist out of all kinds of random gear/items put together because the community votes no to almost all proposals that the OSRS team give us.
It's clear that the community do want revenants, but not the armours. So maybe it would be better to just come with a whole new idea of items.
Maybe make a lvl80 or 85 defence armour which can be used by Pvmers and Pkers?
A big problem with Pking nowadays is that someone can stack you for over 120 damage in 1 tick, while there is no existing armour in the game which can make you survive against this.
The last year(s) the OSRS team has been focused on making new weapons and armours which make you hit more for every new boss they made (infernal cape, ballista, amulet of peril?, kodai wand, elder maul, DWH,... ), while there were no new armours (besides guardian boots and dinh's bulwark) which actually provide you with more survivability.
Nowadays it's even better to go bossing in full offensive gear than trying to make a good combination of offensive/defensive gear. So maybe try to implement some defensive gears?
I see no way of the pvp armours passing the polls, main reason is because people are scared they are to OP in offensive ways.
15-Nov-2017 13:52:41