I feel somewhat lost because I guess as an ironman I do not understand the argument for this content. (Yeah, Ironman bw)
After seeing this poll twice, it is clear either the purpose was not communicated well or these items need to come into the game another way. I agree with most people that Rev Caves will be dead content as they stand. I personally am tired of seeing PvM in the wildy. If it were not for a few items and clues, most ironmen would avoid it completely. When I walk into the wildy, I essentially accept that I am a sitting duck because even if I kill a normie, they risk nothing. I lose more supplies then it is worth just fighting. It is not fun PvMing in wildy only to lose a few hours running from groups of normies or dying to them and losing supplies several times. If wildy PvM content is going to pass , the incentive for Ironmen needs to increase. I think the ancient shards are appealing for irons, but you basically need a supply source (not profitability) similar to pre-nerf zulrah to get ironmen to vote yes to PvM wildy content.
I would suggest if this content is meant to bring non-pvpers to the wildy, the rewards should not be PvP gear. If this content is meant to introduce pkers to more PvM, then it should be communicated in that manner and not as a rewarding PvM activity.
I also just personally hate the idea of degrading armor. Personally, the time invested is not equal to the reward.
Again, this may be because I am an ironman and do not PK.
However, why would I vote yes to something that makes it easier to kill me doing the content I already dislike doing.
Feel free to disagree and I would like to hear if you do, but I would think this is the popular opinion within the Ironman community.
14-Nov-2017 23:12:03