ASH id like a proper sensible meeting with you as through all this i actually respect you but the way osrs is going is awful
These fanboi updates like wildy wars is just really bad marketing its only for a few kids to watch.
I'm afraid our meeting is not something that seems likely to convince us to stop doing something that's been so effective, especially if you're claiming that only "a few kids" watch the events, since that's blatantly inaccurate.
Ash dont get rattled and mess up your post points to me i dont bite unless i need too.
Imma tweet u something ash please read ok
Oh, yes, I do apologise for the poor formatting of my previous post. I adjusted it when I could, but the actual message stands.
Said the Cat
Thank you for your response! It means alot.
I fully understand there are issues making the update more complicated than i had thought, I appreciate you taking a moment to explain!!
Thanks again, Have a great day man!
You too
Dev work in the team just now is quite constrained because we've got Maz & Kieren on Fossil Island, me on Make-All and Jed on Mobile, leaving relatively few staff to knock out the poll features.
There's a couple of polled things that are actually stalled by engine work, but the Brimhaven recolour job isn't one of them.
About Marketing after launching runescape on mobile why don't you add RuneScape in the steamstore? This could reach new players aswell? People that collect steam points might try out the game to collect there points and might want to stick around for longer. Or to collect screen savers which they can than trade in the steamstore with other people.
Maxed CB on 09.02.2017
Maxed total 25.05.2022
Member of divine kings #1 PvP clan , clan chat "DK Army".
24-Aug-2017 16:28:27
- Last edited on
24-Aug-2017 16:34:03
About Marketing after launching runescape on mobile why don't you add RuneScape in the steamstore? This could reach new players aswell?
Our analysts looked into that, but I gather they felt that the increased reach wasn't worth the share of the revenue we'd pay in fees.
Mod Ash
About Marketing after launching runescape on mobile why don't you add RuneScape in the steamstore? This could reach new players aswell?
Our analysts looked into that, but I gather they felt that the increased reach wasn't worth the share of the revenue we'd pay in fees.
Ooh I see
Maxed CB on 09.02.2017
Maxed total 25.05.2022
Member of divine kings #1 PvP clan , clan chat "DK Army".
Thanks again for the updates, always happy for any improvements!
Very excited to see Fossil Island! When will we see more dev blogs? In particular, for the farming/agility activity, as well as the underwater activities?
Hi Ash, great work. I am not a 'fanboy' twitch watcher, but I do enjoy the youtube clips of the events that you guys hold. The fact remains that tens of thousands of people watch these twitch streams and these players are very respected and well supported players. I agree that some of the updates do seem very 'streamer orientated' but they do not effect any one elses gameplay and arguably they give people a little bit of a less crowded world to do what they wish to do.
I too would like Ironman worlds but that will never pass because the wilderness would essentially become a safe zone. (As amazing as that sounds, personally!)
I would like to ask, when are the chase cat options and the iban recharge options being released?