
Dev Blog: Grotesque Guardians

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xDe m o n

xDe m o n

Posts: 155 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Heir Aparent said :
I love the idea. I like the idea of the boots, however for lore's sake, maybe the shards being attached to bandos boots is strange? what if the shards provided a bonus to the granite maul that would have charges, making it more applicable to higher level players? or granite boots with the same stats as the proposed upgraded bandos boots?

I agree with this.

You need to leave stuff at god wars alone in case you expand drops and new bosses at god wars in the future. like a new boss that drops shards for bandos platebody, platelegs , boots and then adding bandos helm and a shard for that. This could create a whole new tier of armour.

Making slayer drops like granite maul useful for higher levels sounds great since it s a useless drop if you have 75 slayer 30k isn't gonna do much for you with it being a rare drop.

Making the upgrade for granite maul could also benefit pvp's since it a common special attack item.(depending on how you change the special attack)

20-Jul-2017 10:48:06 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 10:58:07 by xDe m o n

Iron D Natsu
Mar Member 2016

Iron D Natsu

Posts: 207 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like the idea except for the part where a slayer boss drops a upgrade for a GWD-drop, Bandos is way harder than 75 slayer monster/boss or it should be, so why would mid level (tbh 75 slayer is low level) content drop a upgrade for high level content?
Iron D Natsu & Iron D Zeref.
Bro's for lyphe <3

T: @OSRS_Natsu

20-Jul-2017 13:00:49



Posts: 6,674 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
DS Abolish said :
As someone on reddit said, (removing profanity for this forum)

"wow more f******* monsters just what we f******* needed, HOW ABOUT SOME F******* QUESTS"

While removing even more profanity: Again a slayer update? Shouldn't you be releasing more quests? In the oldschool era (may 2004 to july 2007), we had on average one quest every 3 weeks.

Catering to only one player group (PvM) scares away the other ones (like questers who don't like EoC).
The team is big enough now, and most vital utility updates have been done (xp trackers, world map, make-X coming soon).

I'll vote no to give the dev team time to make updates which matter to me too.

Btw, there are enough novice and intermediate quests already to get to the next tier of quests. Focus on the medium to high level quests.

20-Jul-2017 13:17:15 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 13:17:53 by DobbelB

Kyle V 6

Kyle V 6

Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like the idea of adding more to the Slayer Tower, and understanding more of its lore. I don't mind having a slayer boss at the top of it, I think this is cool. I see where people are coming from with the negative responses, I'm honestly neutral about the cannon ball and Bandos boots buff, but I am definitely for this new Slayer Boss.

Also for those who were talking about adding more bosses to God Wars Dungeon, I think it would be cool to see a Zaros Boss, Seren Boss, and/or a Guthix Boss. And maybe add 3 more godswords to the game from those bosses? This might not fit in with game lore, or might feel too RS3 to some people, but I think it would be cool. I'm sure back in 2007 players wouldn't have minded new godswords.

20-Jul-2017 16:56:16



Posts: 138 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mods Ghost, Kieren, Roq, and Wolf will be available to take your questions and your suggestions THIS ON THIS Thursday 20th’s Grotesque Guardians design stream.

20-Jul-2017 22:18:12 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 22:19:02 by Taank



Posts: 3,748 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
DobbelB said :
DS Abolish said :
As someone on reddit said, (removing profanity for this forum)

"wow more f******* monsters just what we f******* needed, HOW ABOUT SOME F******* QUESTS"

While removing even more profanity: Again a slayer update? Shouldn't you be releasing more quests? In the oldschool era (may 2004 to july 2007), we had on average one quest every 3 weeks.

Catering to only one player group (PvM) scares away the other ones (like questers who don't like EoC).
The team is big enough now, and most vital utility updates have been done (xp trackers, world map, make-X coming soon).

I'll vote no to give the dev team time to make updates which matter to me too.

Btw, there are enough novice and intermediate quests already to get to the next tier of quests. Focus on the medium to high level quests.

I agree with a lot of this. Quests bring adventure, discovery, purpose and growth into the game. They give players goals, and get folks out of their comfort zones in the form of difficult combat encounters, challenging puzzles and grinds in skills they otherwise ignore. There is so much hidden value in quests which many players don't recognize and that is where the dev team has to make some calls on priorities.

In regards to this update and the gargoyle boss[es] specifically, the concept doesn't bother me. The boots might be a bit too strong, and I would personally like to see the cannonball dust drop rate ensure that the stronger ammo remain valuable so that players have to pick and choose where to use them carefully.

Several people have already mentioned that the Brittle key idea to initially access the area seems weak and pointless. One player suggested putting the boss behind a diary-wall. If this update passes, rather than rushing it out asap, delay it a bit and develop a quest to rebuild the roof of the slayer tower and reanimate these Grotesque Guardians.

Thanks for reading,
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20-Jul-2017 22:18:58

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