The way I see it,
Serp helm: I understand that you guys needed to nerf it a bit because of future 'top tier' helmets, but now it's an very expensive neitiznot helm, with an Anti venom. Not really worth the money other than the fact it could be made into zulrah scales. I feel it should not just venom the opponent your attacking because I like to use blowpipe and toxic trident together (at raids and such) and it's pretty much worthless to use.
Void: I agree this needed to be nerfed, but putting elite void at only 12.5% is not worth the extra time spent to get it. Say your max hit with void was 100 (which will never be a thing) You spend the extra time getting elite void, just to hit 102. This does not seem worth it at all. If the elite void were to be made to 20% max hit it would be a lot better I feel, because you need to be level 100 to use. At level 100 a lot of people have higher defence and it would be harder to hit on them, but they can hit very often on you due to the low defensive stats it gives.
26-May-2017 18:49:23