If you wanted to balance the game, then balance the game.
I think you should have come to us for suggestions though.
Saying we ARE going to balance the game, here are some options, what do you think?
I am doing Zulrah for the pet, and the mutagen. Don't really care about the other drops tbh.
Having said that, I think it was more like 45-50% rather than 30%. Which doesn't seem right.
I don't think the drops themselves should have changed, just quantities and drop-rate.
Maybe just change the quantities to be 30% less than what they were.
So 60-65 sharks instead of 100 and 7 rune ore instead of 10, something like that.
Regarding the Serpentine Helm, I think taking away the venom makes adding the scales to the helm useless. Thus, dropping its value greatly, as well as creating an huge amount of extra scales.
Which will make the value of the scale decrease substantially. I think the venom should still be on the helm, but the STR bonus should stay at +3, and maybe lower the defensive stats a tad to make up, it doesn't need to be as tanky as it is.
Regarding the void I agree with what some other people are saying that the elite version should have a higher damage %, I think 15% would be fair.
I understand where you guys are coming from with this update, but I do not think it is fair for the entire community.
Please let me know what you guys think about my suggestions.
25-May-2017 20:33:30