I agree that Zulrah drops are warranted for a nerf, but this is a little extreme. Since significant items on the drop table (excluding rare exclusive drops) have been reduced at least around 50%, on average the overall of Zulrah's effective drop table probably appears to be more than just 30%. (However, this is just an approximation just by looking at the figures and I can be wrong here.) Personally, I like the idea of a nerf but not one so crippling; nerfing only half of the drop table would probably be more fair.
The serpentine helmet has been BIS pretty much, and I agree that nerfing it is a good idea. However, I would propose to nerf it so that it becomes niched and not rendered useless. Personally, removing all of the offensive stats and reducing the defensive stats of each protective style by -10 while retaining its venom special appeals to me more.
The void nerf I would say is fair. But as people are suggesting, maybe let the elite void set have a +15% damage boost for both the melee set and ranged instead of 10% to help give it more worth.
Overall, I am not for or against such an update. This is only my opinion on the matter.
The pessimistic idealist
25-May-2017 20:15:04