For you as a team to even suggest such a nerf to the castle wars community in favour of people who don't even care about the minigame and just want to have an item they didn't work for is complete and utter ludicrous.
This is the exact parralell to offering x10 xp in any skill that is 'grindy'. If people don't want to play for the reward at the given rate, then it's simple: don't play and don't get the reward. That is the basic principle of how rs is governed: those who play and put in the effort, reap the rewards of their hard work.
The game has been out for many years now, and people like myself have dedicated closer to 1000 hours with the minigame. I have collected approximately 5k tickets in that time, all legit. If you were to basically take every reward that used to take at least 100 games and make it obtained in 12, I would have to take a moment and reconsider what is Jagex's new agenda.
Simple nonsense on part of the OSRS team to even suggest this 5, 15, and 25, ticket poll.
30-Apr-2017 05:57:32